Take the journey, joy checking every item in your home, understanding why you hold on to things and learning how to let go with gratitude.
That crystal punch bowl you received as a wedding gift from your mother-in-law, taking up space in your dining room, gathering dust and Lego parts. It’s not your style, it’s never used. Yet you keep it out of a sense of obligation.
Once you’ve learned how to identify what truly sparks joy in your life, and what is essential to your everyday living, you begin to recognize items in your home that don’t belong and add constant mental load. They invoke negative thoughts of clutter which leads to the person that gave it to you. Acknowledge that your mother-in-law put great thought into your wedding gift and it was given out of love, keep that love in your heart and let go of the punch bowl with gratitude.
Watch how the joy checking and decision making become easier, part of the fabric that makes you who you are. Allows you to approach hard choices with joy in your heart.